¡Benvinguts i Benvingudes a Més Que Swing!

Amb més de 10 anys d'experiència, som l'escola de ball a Poblenou especialitzada en swing que et farà gaudir i aprendre a ballar amb passió i alegria.


Descobreix moments inoblidables dels nostres centenars d'esdeveniments

Una experiència increïble! Vaig aprendre a ballar swing en un ambient divertit i acollidor. Els professors són molt professionals i sempre motiven als alumnes.

Laura G.

Several couples are dancing closely in a warmly lit room with wooden paneling and large windows. In the background, a musician is playing a keyboard, adding to the intimate atmosphere. The dancers appear relaxed and engaged in conversation.
Several couples are dancing closely in a warmly lit room with wooden paneling and large windows. In the background, a musician is playing a keyboard, adding to the intimate atmosphere. The dancers appear relaxed and engaged in conversation.


Més Que Swing és molt més que una escola de Ball. Els porfes són molt propers i a les classes t'ho passes molt bé. Per mi és com una gran familia. He conegut nous amics i ara em noto molt en forma.


Several couples are dancing closely in a warmly lit room with wooden paneling and large windows. In the background, a musician is playing a keyboard, adding to the intimate atmosphere. The dancers appear relaxed and engaged in conversation.
Several couples are dancing closely in a warmly lit room with wooden paneling and large windows. In the background, a musician is playing a keyboard, adding to the intimate atmosphere. The dancers appear relaxed and engaged in conversation.
